for brands

Explore influencer marketing

We provide an array of service and tech solutions so you can test, launch and scale YouTube influencer marketing programs.
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Full service

We find, negotiate with and pay creators, managing your influencer relationships from start to finish.

Our technology

We develop tech that streamlines our processes and guarantees we’re running efficient programs.

Review services

No bandwidth? No problem! Our team ensures all of your sponsorships go live according to your guidelines.

Focus on the big picture

Makrwatch makes launching and scaling YouTube influencer marketing programs easier. We become an extension of your team and handle everything from finding great creators and negotiating their rates to paying them on time, so you can focus on optimizing the program.

Tech-powered programs

We develop technology solutions to ensure we can help you test different niches, discover creators, develop content strategies and scale your campaign efficiently. Find out if influencer marketing is for you!
Our Work

Launch your influencer program

Contact our sales team and find out how you can start launching and scaling influencer marketing programs today.
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